My Family!!

My Family!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Meeting, and Getting Personal!

If today wasn't a sign that I was supposed to join Weight Watchers (WW), then I don't know what was. When I first arrived and signed up, there was no registration fee today, so I didn't have to pay the standard $24.99 sign up fee, I only had to pay the weekly meeting charge. Since I work at the hospital I do, they gave me a $1 weekly discount, so instead of twelve dollars, I only had to pay eleven. If this wasn't good enough, all of the snack foods and the supplies were 50% off or more! I was able to buy the deluxe starter pack with all of the books for eating out and points for all of the foods and restaurants for nine dollars!!! It is usually $39.95.

I was having my one on one with the leader of the meetings and started to get emotional. She asked normal questions about why I decided to join, what was my weight loss goals, etc, and I started to tear up. I think it hit me really hard how frustrated I am with all of the weight that I have and all of the stretch marks and going from being so in shape prior to the pregnancy to now. AND I HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT!!!!! At least if I carried in a five month old, people would see why I have a little extra weight on me. This also goes for being at Joe's wedding this weekend. I feel like I was such a heifer next to all of the other girls. Although most of the bride's side of the family and the bridal party new what happened, the rest of the guests did not, so I just looked like the poor fat girl standing up there.

A year ago I would have been so confident because I looked good. I was in shape and an attractive size. Foster says I am beautiful, and it makes me feel good that he can look past the extra pounds and still see a beautiful woman, but unfortunately I don't always feel that way. WoW! It is getting personal here today! I don't like using the pregnancy as an excuse to why I gained weight, but I do believe it is the reason the weight is not coming off as fast as it usually does when I diet. I think the hormones and everything changed my body chemistry.

I also have to make a correction. I said that I can do WW while pregnant. Well, yes and no. I cannot attend meetings because they will not take responsibility for a pregnant woman losing weight. HOWEVER, she did explain that since I will have all the tools, under my doctor's supervision, it would be a healthy diet to do, because it is a lifestyle, not just a diet, and since it teaches healthy eating habits and portion control, then I should be able to maintain the diet through another pregnancy if Dr. C says ok.

So, the goals set today at WW meeting #1:
Lose 50 lbs. If I lose fifty pounds, I will be a perfect size and within the weight limits the army puts on my height group.
Run the 5 mile Turkey Trot in less than 58 mins. Any of you are welcome to join me in this endeavor.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Wow! You really scored on the WW deals! Awesome!!

I don't think pregnancy is an excuse for weight. Now before you bash me over the head..... I say it's not an excuse because it IS the reason!!! Pregnancy changes your body A LOT! Physically and hormonally. You're just never the same afterward. Some people do bounce back quicker but we are all affected by it.

That's a great goal for the Turkey Trot. I've heard of that race.


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